The mystery continues with Jonathan's random breathing and digestion issues...
The gastro surgeons have said they are happy with how Jonathan's digestive system looks from the images they took but he's still had a few instances in the last couple of days where his stomach contents don't empty properly and where his breathing has become a little laboured. We're still hoping it's something that will go away by itself but for now, it's more of the waiting game.
In the meantime, we've been occupying ourselves with a few "more normal" baby activities.
Jonathan fascinated with his new mobile - the first time we put it up, he looked pretty freaked out, cried for a bit and then shut his eyes, but on the second go, he seemed to enjoy it!
The mobile wasn't designed to attach to hospital cots but luckily the banana-cat squeaky toy came to the rescue (don't worry, no toys were harmed in the taking of this photo).
Jonathan's view:
A glimpse into the hopefully-not-too-distant future - a rare moment during a nasogastric tube change when Jonathan was left tube-free:
Surprisingly, in the midst of all his breathing and digestion problems, Jonathan has been giving the breastfeeding a really good go and we've had a few good runs over the last couple of days. He's still getting his full feeds down his nasogastric tube but we seem to be moving in the right direction towards tube-free feeding!
The gastro surgeons have said they are happy with how Jonathan's digestive system looks from the images they took but he's still had a few instances in the last couple of days where his stomach contents don't empty properly and where his breathing has become a little laboured. We're still hoping it's something that will go away by itself but for now, it's more of the waiting game.
In the meantime, we've been occupying ourselves with a few "more normal" baby activities.
Jonathan fascinated with his new mobile - the first time we put it up, he looked pretty freaked out, cried for a bit and then shut his eyes, but on the second go, he seemed to enjoy it!
The mobile wasn't designed to attach to hospital cots but luckily the banana-cat squeaky toy came to the rescue (don't worry, no toys were harmed in the taking of this photo).
Jonathan's view:
A glimpse into the hopefully-not-too-distant future - a rare moment during a nasogastric tube change when Jonathan was left tube-free:
Surprisingly, in the midst of all his breathing and digestion problems, Jonathan has been giving the breastfeeding a really good go and we've had a few good runs over the last couple of days. He's still getting his full feeds down his nasogastric tube but we seem to be moving in the right direction towards tube-free feeding!
Wow, Looks like the cutest baby in the world now has the biggest mobile in the world. ANd that has to be the best most modern-looking bedroom in the whole of London. Glad to see he's learning how to breastfeed and that he gets to have a break from the tube occasionally.
Dear Chris and Tracy,
Jonathan looks gorgeous and we are so glad to read about his continued progress in every way. We pray for all three of you and are so thankful for all of the progress that little Trombdiddle has made through the last month as we look back through the blog. Love to all three of you and thank you for a beautiful way to stay up to date with all things Hing :). Love, Stubbses
Baby Jonathan's so cute~~ and have so many toys! :-) Happy to see him improving everyday. Add oil!
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