Tuesday, 22 February 2011

One step closer

Jonathan has now moved from the High Dependency Unit to the Special Care Babies Unit, which is one step closer to going home!  However we still have to sort out his feeding before he will be released and unfortunately it's one of those things where the doctors can't give us any idea how long it will take.

Yesterday we tried demand feeding during the day and Jonathan was exclusively breast feeding while I was around - he did surprisingly well and set a new record feed of 25 mins for a single feed!  The nurses then fed him via his tube during the night after I'd gone home.

Today however we tried it again and he only fed for a few minutes at a time, his breathing went funny again and when they checked his stomach contents there was some mucous in there....so the demand feeding project came to a premature end for the day and the doctors don't really know why he's having the problems.

The other thing is that Jonathan's weight has stayed static over the last few days despite being on full feeds so the doctors also want to see some weight gain before they'll give him the all-clear for going home.

So it's all a bit up and down at the moment and it's hard to tell whether the next day will bring feeding improvements or feeding obstacles.  We're still sticking to the one-day-at-a-time thinking for now and trying not to get too overly-excited or overly-disappointed about how long it'll be until Jonathan is discharged from hospital...we'll get there eventually!

In the meantime, he doesn't seem too bothered by his hospital stay and has been working on his posing...

The coy look:

The thinking pose:

Practising his karaoke:

The I-love-my-squeaky-banana-toy-so-much look:


Loves To Potter said...

Ack! The cuteness is killing me! Exciting news, you guys- it's great Jonathan has moved to the SCBU. And congratulations on keeping a steady head and taking it one step at a time about the next exciting move. Fingers crossed that you'll be taking your cute little munchkin Trombiddle home very soon.

chang chen said...

A big step closer the way to going home. He holds the toy very well.

Loves To Potter said...

The last one also looks like he's chatting on the phone! I love it!