Jonathan has still been having his intermittent breathing problems over the last few days - it's not that he stops breathing, but that his breaths aren't deep or long enough to bring enough oxygen into his blood. It seems to happen particularly when he's upset and crying - which is either when he's wet or hungry - otherwise he's quite calm and his saturation levels are OK. I guess we just have to try and keep him happy most of the time... A respiratory specialist is going to check him out this week, and hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it.
His breathing problems are also making it difficult for Tracy to breastfeed him regularly. Breastfeeding seems to exhaust the poor little guy - they described it as trying to eat or drink while you're running, so they suggested to feed him through his NG tube until they sort out the breathing problems.
So, he's been getting 61ml of breast milk every 3 hours - which for a baby at his weight is a full feed. And, the result of this is that he's put on weight! Although, we don't know whether it's a healthy weight gain or not - it could either be fluid retention (which I think is bad), or it could be growth. We told the nurses we were a bit worried that he seemed to appear a lot chubbier in just a few days, so they're going to raise it with the doctors tomorrow when they do the ward rounds.
So he's been in SCBU Room 3 for 5 days now. There are a few twins in there, along with a French baby that cries loudly and often. He got moved into a big cot so his fandangled mobile can be hooked up properly - it's been used so often the batteries have now gone flat!
Anyway, here are a few photos to keep the grandparents happy :)
Thanks for the photos.
Happy Grandparent.
Yes thanks Chris - happy non-grandparent!!
We love seeing his progress & are thinking of all 3 of you (& Mrs Ko)
More grateful thanks from another happy non-grandparent! Hopefully the chubbiness is growth- take it from one that has experienced it often before that fluid retention is not fun (although thankfully, as a bloke, Jonathan will never have to experience the indignity of trying to fit into a pair of jeans that definitely fit yesterday!)
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