Friday, 4 February 2011

3 Weeks and 1 Day

Hope you're all well.  To quickly summarise how Jono's been going for the last few days:
  • He's still being fed the milk that Tracy's been working on.  Yesterday it was 15ml every 3 hours, and today it's been 22ml every 3 hours - so, heading in the right direction!  He's had to skip one or two feeds because he's had a full stomach, but more or less he's being fed regularly which is a relief.
  • Jono's little stoma bag has been filling up too - which is more good news, as it means that his gut between his stomach and stoma are working as they'd hoped after the operation.  They noted that the stuff coming out is not a watery substance, which is good, because it means he's absorbing his food! (I have to admit that it's a bit strange talking about poo like this).
  • One of the nurses found that the stuff coming out of his stoma had a bit of a pong (she politely called it an 'offensive odour'), so they sent a sample off to get tested just in case ... hopefully it's nothing - the results are expected in a couple days.
  • He had a heart scan today, and although I'm told he cried all the way through it, his heart still looks the same as last time, which again is good.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital said they'll be treating Jonathan as an out patient, which means he won't need to be admitted there, but just taken for visits when they need to see him.  So, if he's still at St Thomas' when they want to see him, they'll organise a transfer, but if he's home, we'll just take him over.
  • Jonathan's started looking at our faces when we talk to him now!  He makes funny shapes with his mouth when you talk to him... we're not sure whether he's trying to tell us to be quiet, or whether he's genuinely interested in our jabbering... 


Loves To Potter said...

That all sounds like good news (fingers crossed for the offensive odour test...I have to say I don't believe that Jono could produce anything offensive whatsoever, he's too cute and gorgeous!). I am absolutely loving the photos and the one of him in the little jumpsuit made me squeal! xoxox

Unknown said...

so pleased he is tolerating the feeds. He's still gorgeous