Sunday, 23 January 2011

8 Days Old - Jonathan's First Feed!

20th January 2011

It was a big day for Jonathan today!

First, he got his breathing tube removed - he recovered well from being sedated yesterday from the MRI.

Then, he got to have the very first feed of his life!  Before today, he was being fed through a drip because the gastro surgeons had to make sure that his gut had recovered from the operation and the stoma was working properly.

The first attempt to feed him using a syringe was a bit messy, and Jonathan didn't look too impressed:

So they tried to get him to drink from a cup instead:

And the teddy that Por Por Emily bought him keeps him company when we're not there:

1 comment:

Francie. said...

I am going to buy him a teddybear too.!!!!