Sunday, 23 January 2011

6 Days Old

18th January 2011 - sent very early on the morning of the 19th to family

Hi everyone,

Tracy was discharged from hospital yesterday so got to spend last night at home.  I think she slept better at home, but she said it's a bit strange leaving Jonathan in NICU.

Jonathan seems to be recovering from his operation well.  Unfortunately, we haven't been able to feed him yet, as there's still a few flecks of green gunky stuff coming out of his stomach.  Once that clears up though, we should be able to start feeding him the milk that Tracy's been working so hard on.  Emily just bought her an electric breast pump today, so that should help with the food supply!

Jonathan's scheduled for his MRI scan tomorrow to find out what's going on inside his head.  He needs to be sedated for it so he stays still, but to sedate him he needs to have a ventilator hooked up again in case he stops breathing, so he'll be hooked up to that tomorrow too.

I got to hold him for the first time today for an hour, and he looked very settled, although he seems to looked settled when he's just lying in his cot too!

Anyway, we're very happy that he seems to be doing well, but please pray that that the scan will go well tomorrow so that the doctors can tell what they need to do to help him.


Chris and Tracy.

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