So the first photo - this is us, clearly excited about the adventures awaiting us in a foreign (not really) country. Or, maybe it was just the fact that we'd scored business class seats (thanks to work) and got to hang out in the Air NZ lounge before boarding. You can tell we hadn't been stuck on a plane for 24 hrs yet...
Second photo - these are Thai's new business class seats. They go completely flat, but the entire seat still reclines at about a 10 degree angle - which is a pain when you're trying to catch a bit of sleep in between movies.
As soon as you fall asleep, you find yourself slowly sliding down the chair until the seat belt catches you around the love handles (to remind you you're not in first class)... it can't be that much harder for them to make the seats go completely horizontal, can it?
Anyway, I'm not sure which part of the journey this is.. I'm guessing we're still only a couple hours into the trip because we're not too feral yet (that dirty facial hair wasn't just grown on the flight).
Third photo - this is the halfway mark at Bangkok's new airport. Trace has her violin which we carted over as hand luggage, and... I have no idea who that guy in the red shrit is.
Just before we touched down here to refuel, I read in one of the in-flight magazine that Bangkok's new airport was full of problems... and they were critical ones like... the runway. It was made so dodgily that when jumbos take off, the thrust from the engines blows the runway apart. And so it had to get rebuilt, but I don't think it happened before we used it. It wasn't the greatest thing to read at the time.
However - we did get to use the Thai lounge there, and I got to have a shower - which is something that I highly recommend on a 24hr flight.
ahaha. i had to get a whollleeee new google account for this, but it was defos worth it.
11:10 am? I'm pretty sure neither you nor i have that hour on our clocks chris.. i'm 4:30AM, and you're like.. 10:30PM
*inserts photo of baboon*...
i totally wanted to show you the photo of le baboon i had, but this crappy blogger wont let me. grr!!
HAHA!! Love handles -funny! i know what you mean though :P
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