Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Long Time Coming

After signing up for this blog when we first arrived in London, two months ago, I've decided that it's about time we write something...

Before we left for sunny London, everyone back home told us that starting a blog would be a good way to stay in touch. After re-hashing the same stories via email to everyone for the past two months, I'm starting to agree that blogging might be the way to go too...

But after saying that - the one good thing about telling the same story to different people over and over again is that the story does get better and better each time... however, I'm lazy, and for now I guess there'll only be the original, un-embellished account of our time in London.

So, now we've got the task of documenting what's happened since we got here. Luckily, I'm a bit of a dork and carry our camera everwhere, so I think I'll just post photos and make comments about them (if I can work out how to do it).

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