Thursday, 21 April 2011

Operation Number 3

So ever since Jonathan had his little upset at the Royal Free a few weeks ago, he hasn't been feeding too well.  Actually, he hasn't been feeding at all - when he had milk put into his stomach by his NG tube, it just seemed to sit there and not really get digested.

The doctors told us that often when babies have serious episodes like Jonathan did, their digestive systems can shutdown for a few days while everything else sorts itself out.  After a few days, things are supposed to start working again - but in Jonathan's case, it didn't really happen.

So yesterday, they performed a contrast study on him where they insert a dye into his stomach, wait a bit, do an x-ray, and then look to see where the dye gets to.  The dye in Jonathan seemed to get stuck around his duodenum again - which is the same place he was operated on last time where they thought there was a blockage.  They thought they'd fixed it last time by putting in a small bypass around the blockage, and also making a small hole through the membrane that was causing the blockage.

They're not exactly sure what's causing the blockage now, so they're going to have to operate on him again tomorrow morning to open him up and take a look.  One of the things they said it might be is scarring or stickiness caused by the last operation - but they won't know until they operate.  If all goes well, they'll be able to find out what's causing the problem and fix it up all in the one operation.

In happier news, Jonathan's been lucky enough to meet another two of his grandparents over the last couple of days - but them being new to being grandparents, we haven't worked out what Jonathan should be calling yet.  For now they're yehyeh Stephen and ma-ma Lynda, but I guess it will be up to Jonathan to decide what to call them.  He also got to meet his auntie Kath who took lots of photos of him ...

We'll post an update after the operation tomorrow.

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