Sunday 23 January 2011

3 Days Old

15th January 2011 - To Friends

Hi guys,

Thanks for all your messages - Tracy and I are pretty exhausted so sorry we've been a bit slow with replying to emails and all...

But anyway, Jonathan's surgery went well yesterday.  For the operation, they had to put him on a ventilator, but today he was breathing on his own so they took him off it.  He's been a bit groggy with the pain killers they've been giving him, but he has opened his eyes a few times today to say hello.  Tracy got to have another hug too so that was great, and the two of them looked really happy together.

Jonathan will probably have to stay in the baby ICU for a bit longer as he's got a few things that they want to keep an eye on, but right not he seems to be pretty stable.  We're not sure when he'll be able to come home with us, but he's being looked after really well by everyone at the hospital and we're glad that he's getting good care.

Tracy continues to get better - one of the docs didn't actually believe she'd had a c-section because she'd recovered so quickly.  I'm sure it won't be long before she's back eating sushi ... :)  We think she'll be discharged on Monday, so I need to do some cleaning!

Anyway, hope you're all doing well wherever you are in the world!

Speak soon,

Chris and Tracy

1 comment:

Francie. said...

nice to know that trace is getting better! xx